Thursday, November 7, 2013


November 6, 2013

Dear class
I was late to take my time and think about the items I want to put in my folder. Out of numerous nostalgic items which are close to my heart, I decided to choose some that represent me and some that represent my English experience.
First thing came to my mind to add to the folder was my drawing in the class. It has been a while that no teacher asked me to draw something in the class. When I say a while I mean around 12 years! (Architectural sketches don’t count!)
The second item is my picture of me and my family few weeks after we all got together again in California after an almost long and adventurous time.
The third item is a copy of my first literature writing, “Goodman Brown”. It was on of the hardest assignments of my life, writing about something that I can’t read it! I will never forget Goodman Brown in my life and I still don’t understand why the main character randomly went to the woods, and what exactly was the story about , but the important part for me is that I wrote about it!
The next item I would like to add to my folder is a copy of the last art I drew in Iran while sitting in a café in Iran.
The fifth item would be the rock, I am going to put it in my folder because it was the best start possible for an English class.
The last Item I am going to add to the folder is the copy of the email including my tickets from Istanbul to the U.S. which I place it in my folder because it was another start in my life.
I know all of you consider different items for your folder which you feel nostalgic about them, they are all valuable sequences of our lives.


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